Sunday, November 23, 2008

C.A.M.P. at Christmas? Yep. Saturday, December 6, 2-9 pm in Rudat Hall, For Women Only. By Sandra Cowell

Who’s ever heard of such a thing? Well, sign me up! I hope that lots of you will sign up, too. The summer C.A.M.P. was such a great time and I can’t wait to do it again.

There is much more then crafts happening at C.A.M.P. You can eat, watch a movie or just enjoy the laughter and fellowship of some marvelously delightful ladies of CNC. (C.A.M.P. stands for Crafts And Multiple projects.)

I am a crafter at heart and the idea of going to C.A.M.P. is wonderful to me. During the last C.A.M.P., I invited my dearest friend who isn’t into crafting at all, by the way. She needed some “girl time” and I really wanted to go to C.A.M.P. As it turns out, God provided us with so much more!

I learned how to crochet (the right way!) and got great inspiration for my son’s first birthday party! Do you know what? My friend went home with more stuff then I did and the most uplifted spirit! It was such a joy and a blessing. She made some things for her kids, something for herself, and even won a prize! She was in need of fellowship and fun, and that was what she walked away with. CNC is not my friend’s church home, but she certainly felt at home that night. I think she got on talking with some other ladies more then with me!

Ladies, I will be bringing my BIG box of beads, again. For those of you who want to craft but aren’t sure how or what to do. You are welcome to try it. We sure did get some giggles going as beads flew about! No professionals here.

As for me, this time I am making a cake platter. I will be starting at 4:00 p.m., but am glad to help anyone who wants to try it… at whatever time they arrive.
The platter consists of a painted piece of plywood (color and shape desired by “hostess” serving on said platter.)
* The wood should be painted before you come – or else your craft might consist of watching paint dry.
* You will also need four knobs, like the ones used for dressers. Again, this is all based on your own style. The knobs will be used as the “legs” of the platter.
* Fake flowers (small) and ribbons are the last details. You’ll want a solid ribbon the same width as the platter edge, and one a little smaller in lace or whatever design you like. A hot glue gun will also be needed.
* I will bring a drill and a hot glue gun for those who may need to borrow one.

Don’t forget the best part… potluck dinner at 6:00 p.m. Bring something tasty to share and sample some delicious foods! For more details about the C.A.M.P. schedule and events contact Shirley Carlson (635-8516) or visit on the web.

I really look forward to seeing you all there, and if I don’t know you, then I can’t wait to meet you!


Shelli said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment! I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the soup. It is delicious, I promise! And I'm guessing it really could be altered for special diets. Thanks again. It was nice to hear from you.

Needle in a Haystack

Gattina said...

I have done this for years with a painting summer school ! We had so much fun, husbands were left home of course, it is good for our mental health to do something for ourselves.